French Bulldogs
In 2023, French Bulldogs - affectionately referred to as Frenchies - were named the breed of the year. Looking at them, it's not hard to imagine why! Those cute pointed ears, wrinkles, and can-do personality make them an amazing breed.
Frenchies are relatively non-aggressive and easy to groom thanks to their short-haired coat. They are easy to train, and adapt easily.
French Bulldogs are great family dogs, being affectionate with children and other members of the family. Their high energy levels can agitate other dogs in the household if they're of a calmer demeanor, frenchies are known for being very playful.
They don't bark much, but when they do - in our personal opinion - their bark is cute and amusing. Their bark is almost husky-like and very dramatic.
The average height for a French Bulldog can be between 11 and 13 inches tall. This, of course, depends on the sire and dame.
Their average weight is under 28 pounds and life expectancy is between 10-12 years.